Visitor Info

Christ Focused, Community Driven

Welcome to First Baptist Church in Bloomfield, New Mexico. We are glad you have stopped by to learn a little bit more about who we are. We hope to meet you soon!

Our Purpose

How do we at FBC Bloomfield specifically live out the values of the Kingdom? It’s simple. Our process for fulfilling the Great Commission and Great Commandment is Gathering, Growing, Serving, Sharing.

What We Believe

Knowing what we believe is very important to us. Click below to learn about what the essentials of our faith are.

Our Staff

When you come and gather with us, we want to help you put faces with names. See who are our staff are by following the link below.

Our Campus

FBC Bloomfield, located at the intersection of US Hwy 550 and US Hwy 64 in Bloomfield, New Mexico consists of seven buildings located on a campus of approximately five acres.

Visiting FBC Bloomfield

If you're thinking of visiting us, here's a little bit of what you can expect:

Sundays at FBC Bloomfield

We gather regularly for worship on Sundays at 8:15am and 10:45am with a Small Group Bible Study hour at 9:30am.

Here's some insight on what happens at FBC Bloomfield on an average Sunday: We spend 30-35 minutes in Spirit-led worship through music, singing, and prayer. We continue our time together listening to a 30-35 minute teaching from the Bible. You will have the opportunity to respond to the service by coming forward and speaking with a staff member or by filling out the communication card attached to the weekly bulletin. At the conclusion of our first service, you are welcome to relax out in the lobby, meet new friends, and try out one our Small Group Bible Study classes. Make sure to stop by the Welcome Center for direction for you and your family and meet some of our staff.

During the week at FBC Bloomfield

We have weekly events that are designed for kids, adults and everyone in between!

There are many activities throughout the week at FBC Bloomfield. On Wednesday evenings there are topical studies and Bible studies for adults and youth, children, and preschoolers all at 6:30pm.

Check out our event calendar to see the current event schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?
FBC Bloomfield, located at the intersection of US Hwy 550 and US Hwy 64 in Bloomfield, New Mexico. For service times and locations, click here.
How should I dress to fit in?
At FBC Bloomfield, for the most part casual clothing is the "norm." Come as you are!
What about my kids?
Your kids are sure to love our children’s ministry! We offer childcare during the worship service from birth through age 4. If you would prefer to have your children with you in service, we welcome that as well. An outstanding team of background-checked adult leaders will be ready to greet you and guide you to where your child's class meets.

Be sure to check out our Ministries pages to see more information on child and youth programs at FBC Bloomfield.
What is your worship service like?
FBC Bloomfield worship services are designed to be powerful and meaningful to your everyday life. We seek to provide relevant, biblical teaching and inspiring music that will encourage you to express your love to God through song and challenge you in your spiritual journey.

We invite you to listen to our sermons when it is convenient for you.
Will I be asked to give money?
No. Giving is an act of worship for believers. You are welcome to give an offering but are not expected to.
Do I have to be a member to attend?
Nope! We welcome everyone to our worship services. We want to make sure that everyone has a relevant and meaningful worship experience with us regardless of whether or not they are a member.
How do I become a member?
To become a member, the first step is to have a relationship with God. The next step would be to make your relationship public through baptism by immersion in one of our worship services. If you are already a Christian coming from a church with similar beliefs you can join by transferring your membership or by your statement of faith in Jesus Christ.

Would you like to know more about what it means to have a relationship with God?
What denomination is the church?
FBC Bloomfield is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention but operates independently of any denominational control. By partnering with Southern Baptists for missions and other world-wide ministry efforts, we are able to not just impact our community but the entire world.
What exactly do you believe?
Great Question! Click below to see a full description of our beliefs.


We're an evangelistic body of believers centered in the Four Corners region of the United States, on a mission to reach our community–and the world–with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Gospel is the most important message ever shared, so for us, that's what it's all about.
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